Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Dream

Dude, i had a messed up nightmare last night... Okay so it started with me laying on my couch reading a book (I have no clue what book haha) and out of nowhere i sink into my couch. Like how you would sink if you were thrown into a pool, straight down and fast. So i sank down for a few minutes in complete darkness and then when i could see again i was underwater (My nightmares always seem to take this turn. I'm afraid of water). I couldn't see anything through the water because it wasn't clear. So i just started swimming/walking (whenever I'm in water in my dreams I'm never actually swimming). I tried to get up to the surface but i couldn't really swim upward, i would just sink. So i was just feeling my way around trying to figure a way out and my hand hit something in front of me, but i still couldn't really see it. I pulled my hand back and it was covered in blood, but i wasn't injured so that part doesn't really make sense to me (Like any of this does haha). I fell backwards onto my ass and just kind of sat there staring in the direction of whatever it was i touched. All of a sudden the water was crystal clear, like someone hit a switch. In front of me was this things face. Like and inch away from my face. It looked more like a human now that i think about it, face-wise. It had the shape and basic layout of a human face but the mouth stretched too far around (So it looked like it was smiling). Its eyes were just fixated on me and it kept rocking it's head back and forth. It didn't do anything yet though. So i started crawling backwards, trying to get away from it. It didn't follow me at first, so i could see it's body. It was by far one of the weirdest things I've ever dreamt. It walked on it's hands and feet. It had human arms and hands in front and in the back it had dog legs and paws. It's abdomen a tealish color and looked a lot like a snakes body. I was still crawling backwards when it lifted it's hands and feet and followed me. It was huge, so it only had to take one or two steps to catch up with me. It put it's face really close to mine and opened it's mouth just enough to be able to make noise. I don't even know how to explain the noise. It was so many different animal noises in one, but under all of the barking/growling/oinking/meowing etc. in a super quiet voice i could hear it talking. In English. But it was too quiet for me to understand what it was saying. At this point it closed it's mouth for a moment and raise his face away from mine. He stayed staring at me for awhile and then open his mouth really wide and let out loud crying noise and started ramming his face into me. It just kept dropping it's neck and head on top of me. This is where i woke up. Weird right? I damn near fell out of bed as soon as i woke up. I think i might try and draw it. This is why im afraid of water! Crazy human/dog things live in the water haha! Alrighty, well im off to school. Fun fun.

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